
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Skillet Lasagna

A classmate brought pasta for lunch the other day and my plans for turkey burgers flew right out the window. I had to have pasta. Not just any pasta; I wanted lasagna. But, as many of you cooking for one know, lasagna is a big dish for one person. A traditional lasagna can be time intensive and lead to a months worth of left overs that you have no desire to eat. 

Skillet lasagna was my salvation. I turn to this recipe again and again when I want all of those classic Italian flavors with half of the work. Easily prepared in one or two pots, skillet lasagna is the perfect dish to throw together on a busy weeknight.

1 bag of cheese raviolis (12-14 ounces)
1 bunch of fresh spinach (chopped)
1/2 lb. ground turkey
1 1/2 cups of marinara sauce
1 cup chicken broth
1 cup shredded cheese (Italian blend or mozzarella)
3 tbsp. tea seed oil (olive oil)
1 tsp. minced garlic
2 tsp. garlic powder (divided)
salt and pepper to taste

I prefer to start with sauteing the spinach. Usually I use olive oil to prepare my skillet, but I chose to use the Arette Tea Seed Oil that I received in my February Hatchery box. Tea seed oil is an extra virgin oil derived from tea seeds used mostly in the southern provinces of China for salad dressings, sauteing, and in stir-fry. I used the entire bottle (about 3 tbsp) to prepare my pan.

Put your burner on medium-heat and add the fresh spinach to the oil. As the spinach begins to cook down, add the minced garlic and garlic powder to the leaves and mix them well. Place the lid on the pan and allow the spinach to cook down. Make sure you stir the leaves occasionally. After 3-5 minutes, remove the spinach from the skillet and set it aside for later.

On a separate burner, place a pot of water to boil. Add a dash of salt to the water as it heats.

Place the skillet you cooked the spinach in back on the stove and add the ground turkey. Break up the turkey as you place it in the skillet and then use a wooden spoon or spatula to occasionally stir and flip the meat.  

As your turkey begins to brown, add a liberal dash of salt and pepper to the meat.

When the water begins to boil, add your raviolis to the pot and cook them according to the instructions on the package.

In a separate pot (or with the turkey) combine 1/2 cups of marinara sauce with 1 cup of chicken broth and place it on medium heat. If you combine the sauce with the ground turkey at this step, make sure you stir well.

When the ravioli has finished boiling, drain the excess water and return the ravioli to the skillet with the ground turkey. Next, add the spinach back to the skillet.

Add your chosen cheese to the skillet and stir all of the ingredients. After you've stirred everything together, top it with your sauce and stir again.

Turn down the head to low or simmer and allow the dish to cook for 5 minutes. Stir occasionally. After 5 minutes, remove the skillet from the heat, serve in a bowl, and enjoy!

Personally, this serving size creates 4 medium sized meals. This dish stores well in the refrigerator for 48-72 hours. It also freezes well.

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